Saturday, 20 October 2012

Another Crappy Filler

Man with the Golden Nappy Pt2 Coming soon!

I also intend to write an article on the Philosophical movement sweeping the world's universities "Dinnerism"

Until then, have a sneer and jeer at this Berk

Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Man with the Golden Nappy Pt1

The Man with the Golden Nappy Pt.1 Prologue: Mohandas K Gandhi, before leading the movement for an India independent of British rule, was infact A British agent working in the present day. Upon retirement Gandhi had his Mind wiped at Rekall, and was left abandoned in a former time period

Gandhi: Go on?

Q: It would appear the infamous warlord "Aqualung" is planning to nuke Burkina Faso, I want you to infiltrate his base and eliminate all possibility of that happening!
Gandhi:   When do I leave?

Q: That's the spirit old boy, the plane takes off in an hour, a convoy is ready to escort you to the airfield.

  6 Hours later, flying above a classified region in south east Asia   

Gandhi:  Let's see....hmm got my trusty M-16 with 3 spare clips, two throwing knives and what's this?  Air strikes!? Very impressive Q

Flt LT Chapman:  Approaching the DZ now Gandhi, prepare to jump

Flt LT Chapman:  Green Light! Go Go Go! 

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Watch This Space (III)

First I must apologise for never getting round to updating this blog (though I'm fully aware nobody will see this) but now all exams are over, I promise to get something done. With all this new-found free time after college and on weekends, I'll be spending the next couple of weeks going through many ideas. I know not whether the next article will be a serious one, or just another silly joke like my first piece but what I can assure you of however, is that whatever I may produce; It definitely will appear on this page.

Peace out;